Perfect Parents, Perfect Children
This book is about changing perspectives about parenting, our children, and ourselves. It advocates for a shift from the traditional ‘reward and punishment’ parenting paradigm to one of demonstrating unconditional acceptance and love, regardless of our children’s compliance or achievement. Through personal stories of the families Dr. Bob has worked with, this book demonstrates that we do not need to ‘control’ or ‘tame’ our children, and suggests ideas of how to eliminate power-struggles and put the joy back into parenting.
About The Book
Perfect Parents, Perfect Children is about celebrating the inherent perfection in ourselves and in our children. We don’t have to “do everything right” to be perfect. The book outlines a very different approach to parenting, aimed at raising children with a strong sense of self-worth. When we truly believe in our own worth as human beings, we can approach life without fear and insecurities and experience a sense of peace and joy.
- Is This The Best We Can Do?
- Changing The Paradigm
- How Parents Taught Me About Their Enormous Power
- Understanding The Child’s World
- Parenting Your Miracle: Celebrating Your Baby
- Understanding Child Development and Oppositional Behaviour
- Discipline: Eliminate Power Struggles
- “Terrific Twos”: Celebrating Your Toddler
- “Terrific Teenagers”: Celebrating Your Adolescent
- Did We Forget Latency?
- Discipline in General
- Education
- Psychiatry: Threatening the Celebration
- Parenting Through Conflict and Separation
- The Two Greatest Gifts Of Powerful Parenting
- The Ultimate
- The Non-Binary World
“I can’t thank you enough for sharing your book and the life changing information within. Over the years I have spoken to so many people for tips and advice. I have tried many parenting techniques, spoken to the school counsellor, taken the Positive Parenting program, removed all food additives and have been seeing a child psychologist for a year now. After reading [perfect parents, perfect children] everything seemed to fall into place like I had been searching all this time for answers and there it was”
– Emma
“I COULD NOT put it [perfect parents, perfect children] down. As I finished, tears were rolling down my cheeks. Tears for what I wish I had known 50 years ago when my children were babies.”
– Dottiedee, Africa
“It was very insightful and inspired me to be a better parent… after literally reading every parenting book under the sun the approach you advocate is by far the most meaningful one for me. [Dr. Bob Jacobs] you have had a profound influence on our approach to parenting.”
– Kristy, mother of two young children
“I have started incorporating the book’s content into my work with families”
– Lewis, Youth and Family Worker
“[I am] blown away at the simplicity of your approach to parenting. It’s common sense. As parents we are making the job of parenting a harder task then it has to be.”
– Linda
“I just finished reading this book and know so many people that would love to have it and would benefit from the information in it. This is such valuable information and I want to share it with family and friends.”
– Charryll, Canada
“[Perfect Parents, Perfect Children is] very handy for my work as a family support worker as the concepts being put across and the notion of the book are very positive and are good things for parents to know.”
– Cassie
“Books such as these should be everywhere for parents to read”
– Vicki
“We have read the book and have thoroughly enjoyed it and felt some of our Educators and parents would benefit from reading it as well.”
– Sharyn, Senior Coordinator of Kids at Home family day care
“I often dream of a time when this paradigm is embraced by families everywhere. I am so excited to have found you and the book”
– Michelle, USA
“My husband is always nagged into reading some of my child development books. But yours was the first he read from cover to cover”
– Laura